Africa’s journey towards an integrated and prosperous continent attained an important milestone on May 30th, 2019 with its participation in the Agreement, establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
Africa’s integration agenda is expected to increase intra-African trade and investment to generate economic growth, create more job opportunities for millions, and provide opportunities for women and youth entrepreneurs. This provides a key pathway for regional trade integration as it seeks to improve rural infrastructure and trade related capacities for market access in order to transform trade and sustain inclusive growth and also, by enhancing markets and value chains.

In 2017, the Ghana International Trade & Finance Conference (GITFIC) held its maiden Conference in Accra at the Alisa Hotel in collaboration with the Private Enterprise Federation under the theme; Trade, Freight and Finance and the 2018 conferences was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade & Industry of Ghana at the Best Western Premium Hotel in Accra.
In 2018, the Ghana International Trade & Finance Conference was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade & Industries, Ghana. The conference was held at the plush Best Western Premier Hotel in Accra, Airport Residential Area. Our conferences are always scheduled in April. Speakers included The Mexican Ambassador to Ghana, The Ethiopian Ambassador to Ghana, The Egyptian Ambassador to Ghana, The Namibian Ambassador to Ghana, the Senior Minister of Ghana, the Deputy Head of Trade at the Netherlands Embassy in Ghana, The MD of Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Ghana, The CEO of Venture Capital of Ghana, The Director of Shippers at the Ghana Shippers Authority amongst a tall list of other VIP speakers. Participants were from all sectors of the Ghanaian and International economy. We had great reviews from participants.
In 2019, the Ghana International Trade & Finance Conference (GITFIC) held its third major Conference in Addis Ababa at the AU Headquarters, Ethiopia in partnership with the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations with a host of issues addressed including: “The role of intra Continental Free Trade Agreement”; “Equity Finance & Investment Financing in Africa”; “The need for Capital Market in Ethiopia and the way forward”; “The role of African Private Sector in Green Economy; The Case of Ghana” among other interesting topics.
In 2020, the Ghana International Trade & Finance Conference (GITFIC) held its fourth major Conference in Accra in partnership with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly and the Association of Ghana Industry where ACCRA was officially declared the COMMERCIAL CAPITAL OF AFRICA in lieu of the AfCFTA under the theme: Optimizing AfCFTA for Africans; the Strategic Role of Logistics Infrastructure.

The 5th Conference which was held in 2021, with strict observation of all COVID 19 protocols, saw Panelists and Participants from Central Banks in Africa; the Central Bank of Francophone West Africa, Central Bank of Francophone Central Africa, African Development Bank, ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development, Central Bank of Namibia, African Union Commissioner for Trade, Industry, and Mining, West African Monetary Institute, United States Ambassador to Ghana, Kenyan Ambassador to Ghana, Namibian Ambassador to Ghana, Mexican Ambassador to Ghana, Business Community of Africa, amongst a tall list of dignitaries from 6 African countries. The Vice President of the Republic of Ghana was the most special guest of honor. He sat in for the President of Ghana.
The 6th Conference was equally held in Accra, Ghana’s commercial capital. High profile dignitaries such as MasterCard, Swift, AfDB, Mowali, African Union, Ecowas Bank, West African Development Bank, Trade Commission, West African Monetary Institute, Governments and Trade Ministers, and the Business Community of Africa took turns to articulate ways and means of enhancing intra African trade through the AfCFTA. Participants from 11 countries attended the 6th conference.

Topic for day1; Towards an Effective and Efficient Mobile Money Transactional Penetrations in Africa; A Catalyst to solving Cross Border Payment & Settlement, an Anticipated-Barrier within the AfCFTA; – The Role of Financial Regulators and Stakeholders.
Topic for Day 2i also discussed; Measuring the Acceptability and Adaptation Level of the AfCFTA on the African Continent a Year after Implementation of the 1st Phase; – Where do we stand in terms of Trade in Goods, Trade in Service, and Dispute Resolution Protocols (Policy Direction)
Topic for Day 2ii discussed; Leveraging on the pillars of Trade-Finance – A catalyst for Industrial Growth and Acceleration Post Pandemic; the Role of Payment, Financing, Risk Mitigation and Access to Information.
The 7th Conference was under three themes;
Day 1 – Topic: Finance under the theme; Sovereign Economic Vulnerabilities; An Endorsement for a Single Trading Currency for Africa – with ECOWAS as a case study.
Day 2 (First Panel) – Topic: Trade and Healthy Investment under the theme; Actualising Africa’s Industrialisation Agenda in the era of the AfCFTA; The Role of Africa’s Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.
Day 2 – (Second Panel) Topic: A Review of the Implementation of the AfCFTA; Towards an African Centered AfCFTA Disputes Settlement Protocol.
Panelists included The African Union, ECOWAS, West African Monetary Institute, Ghana Free Zones Authority, Association of Ghana Industries, King of Akwamuman, Eastern Regional Minister, Namibia’s Ministry of Trade & Industry, Ghana’s Ministry of Justice etc…
As usual, delegates were from over 16 African countries from the Finance, Economic and Trade sectors. The 7th Conference was headline partnered by the Volta River Authority and supported by the Ghana Free Zones Authority with special appearance by the Ghana Highway Authority.
Important Resource Pages to visit:
https://gitfic.com/regional-seminars-on-afcfta/ (Our Regional Seminars on the AfCFTA)
https://gitfic.com/monthly-research-reports/ (Our Monthly Research Reports)
https://gitfic.com/conference-communique/ (Conference communiques)